Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spring Fever

This is, I think, the toughest time to live in Michigan. At the very least it is the toughest time to be a gardener in Michigan. One day it is 70 degrees and sunny; the next we're back to sub-freezing lows. The beautiful days we've had lately have me chomping at the bit to get everything in order so I can get a quick start on planting, but with more than two months left before our last frost date, there's really no rush.

That doesn't make the wait any easier. Every year around this time, a vague and nagging restlessness sets in, making it hard to focus on the mundane tasks at hand, calling me to dive into new projects and passions. But this year I have to resist, at least for now.

We're still waiting to find out if we got the house, with attractive new prospects on the horizon and a clear fork in the road rapidly approaching. If tomorrow brings news that they have again rejected our offer, do we come back with a better offer or do we sit tight? There is an auction just a little more than a week away that holds some promise, with 4 properties we liked going up for sale with very low starting bids and an expectation that they'll sell for a price we can afford. Two of the four have acreage, but none have the emotional appeal of the house we're currently in negotiations over.

I just wish the whole process was over. I'm getting so frustrated with not knowing! I just want to know which house we are going to buy so that I can start moving forward, past living in a half-packed house playing the waiting game and on to shaping our new home into my family's dream.

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